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Eyeforce Remote Guarding Solutions is now a Becklar Company...Learn More

Layer and Enhance Security with Remote Guarding: The Cost-Effective Solution For Everyone

Your clients face a constant challenge in securing their assets and people. They’ve invested in vital security systems like access control, video surveillance, and alarms. However, the ever-evolving security threats necessitate an additional layer: remote guarding.

Layering our remote guarding solution onto existing security measures brings substantial cost savings. Firstly, it reduces the need for on-site security personnel, traditionally a significant expense, especially for round-the-clock coverage. Our solution will leverage its unique technology to monitor properties continuously, alerting a remote monitoring center to suspicious activity. This center assesses situations and deploys human intervention when needed, minimizing the necessity for on-site security personnel.

Moreover, remote guarding decreases the costly issue of false alarms. Traditional systems can lead to unnecessary dispatches, wasting time and resources. Remote guarding employs advanced algorithms to analyze data, distinguishing genuine threats from false alarms. This reduction not only lessens the demand for on-site security personnel but also lowers operational costs.

Additionally, it can lead to reduced insurance premiums for businesses. Insurance providers often grant discounts to firms with robust security measures in place, as they pose a lower risk. By adding remote guarding, businesses demonstrate their commitment to security, which insurers recognize, ultimately resulting in lower premiums.

Lastly, our remote guarding solution offers a proactive approach to prevent theft and damage, saving clients potentially thousands of dollars. This comprehensive approach goes beyond mere monitoring, providing the ability to intervene when necessary. By offering this solution, you not only enhance your clients’ security but also open doors to additional Recurring Monthly Revenue opportunities, attracting new customers seeking comprehensive security.

In conclusion, remote guarding, as an additional layer of security, provides substantial cost savings by reducing the need for on-site security personnel, minimizing false alarms, and potentially reducing insurance premiums. It’s a cost-effective solution that not only saves money but also fortifies the overall security posture for your clients.

Remote Guarding Defined

Remote guarding combines the latest video surveillance technologies, sophisticated analytics, and crime intervention specialists providing real-time audio response while following a customizable escalation protocol that can include contacting law enforcement. Its real and active presence is immediately evident to anyone acting suspiciously or performing unwanted actions. With remote guarding, every video surveillance camera becomes a live remote guard. The solution can cover the entire facility simultaneously, even in remote or dark locations.

How Remote Guarding Works

  1. State-of-the-art video surveillance technologies backed by artificial intelligence provide simultaneous, 24/7 surveillance. 
  2. Analytics detects activity before a crime occurs and alerts a live, professional crime intervention specialist.
  3. The crime Intervention specialist reviews the footage and monitors current activity, verifying any active threats. 
  4. In the case of a real threat, the crime specialist provides an immediate voice down and warns the intruder over a loudspeaker. In most cases, audio intervention is enough to resolve the incident.
  5. Where appropriate, the specialist contacts law enforcement and presents the evidence.

The most effective way to substantially grow your business while helping customers deter crime is with Remote Video Guarding. Remote Guarding provides a powerful, flexible, and cost-saving solution. To learn more, Contact Eyeforce today. 

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About Eyeforce 

Eyeforce is a leading provider of remote guarding services. They offer customized solutions that include networked cameras, analytics, 24/7 monitoring, and professional crime intervention specialists that provide real-time audio intervention. Eyeforce remote monitoring increases security while decreasing security costs. Eyeforce can help you gain total control and situational awareness through proactive, not reactive, security solutions. Their remote video monitoring services excel where traditional alarm monitoring companies fail.

Call Eyeforce Today! 888-393-3672

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