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Remote Video Guarding as a Deterrent: Protecting Auto Dealerships from Break-ins

Auto dealerships are attractive targets for criminals due to the high value of vehicles and parts they house. Break-ins can result in significant financial losses, property damage, and compromised customer trust. To combat this growing threat, auto dealerships are turning to advanced security solutions such as remote video guarding. In this blog post, we will explore how remote video guarding acts as a powerful deterrent, protecting auto dealerships from break-ins and enhancing overall security.

The Power of Visual Deterrence

One of the key advantages of remote video guarding is its ability to serve as a visual deterrent. The presence of highly visible cameras and signage indicating that the dealership is under constant surveillance sends a clear message to potential criminals: their actions are being monitored and recorded. This alone can discourage many would-be thieves or vandals from attempting to break into the premises.

Studies have shown that the mere presence of surveillance cameras can significantly reduce criminal activity. Criminals are less likely to target locations where they believe they are being watched, as the risk of detection and apprehension increases. By implementing remote video guarding, auto dealerships create an environment of heightened security, dissuading criminals and minimizing the risk of break-ins.

24/7 Monitoring and Real-time Response

Remote video guarding takes security a step further by providing continuous monitoring of the dealership’s premises. Trained security professionals in a remote monitoring center have access to live video feeds from strategically placed cameras. This real-time monitoring allows for immediate detection of suspicious activity or potential security breaches.

In the event of an actual or attempted break-in, the security professionals can swiftly respond. They can assess the situation, take appropriate action, and if necessary, alert local law enforcement. The ability to respond in real-time is a crucial deterrent factor, as it minimizes the time window for criminals to carry out their nefarious activities, increasing the chances of their apprehension.

Integration with Advanced Analytics and Technology

Remote video guarding systems often incorporate advanced analytics and technology to enhance their effectiveness as a deterrent. Video analytics software can detect anomalies, such as unauthorized access or loitering, and trigger alerts for immediate attention. This proactive approach ensures that potential threats are identified and addressed promptly, further deterring criminals from targeting the dealership.

Additionally, remote video guarding can integrate with other security measures, such as access control systems and alarm systems. This seamless integration allows for comprehensive security coverage and a synchronized response in case of security breaches. The combination of visual deterrence, real-time monitoring, and integrated technology creates a robust security infrastructure that significantly reduces the likelihood of break-ins at auto dealerships.

Case Studies and Real-world Results

Numerous auto dealerships have witnessed the effectiveness of remote video guarding as a deterrent against break-ins. Case studies have highlighted instances where break-in attempts were thwarted or criminals were apprehended due to the swift response facilitated by remote video guarding. The visible presence of cameras and the knowledge that the dealership is under constant surveillance acted as a strong deterrent, deterring criminals from targeting the premises.

Moreover, auto dealerships that have implemented remote video guarding have reported a decrease in break-ins and vandalism incidents. The combination of visual deterrence, continuous monitoring, and immediate response has significantly improved security and reduced the financial losses associated with break-ins.


Remote video guarding has emerged as a powerful solution to protect auto dealerships from break-ins. By leveraging visual deterrence, 24/7 monitoring, real-time response, and advanced technology, this security measure creates an environment that discourages criminals and minimizes the risk of break-ins. The integration of remote video guarding with other security systems further enhances its effectiveness, providing comprehensive coverage.

As auto dealerships continue to prioritize security, investing in remote video guarding is a proactive step towards safeguarding valuable assets, maintaining customer trust, and mitigating financial losses. By leveraging the power of visual deterrence and advanced security technology, auto dealerships can effectively protect their premises and create a safe environment for their customers and employees.

Remote Guarding Defined

Remote guarding combines the latest video surveillance technologies, sophisticated analytics, and crime intervention specialists providing real-time audio response while following a customizable escalation protocol that can include contacting law enforcement. Its real and active presence is immediately evident to anyone acting suspiciously or performing unwanted actions. With remote guarding, every video surveillance camera becomes a live remote guard. The solution can cover the entire facility simultaneously, even in remote or dark locations.

How Remote Guarding Works 

  1. State-of-the-art video surveillance technologies backed by artificial intelligence provide simultaneous, 24/7 surveillance. 
  2. Analytics detects activity before a crime occurs and alerts a live, professional crime intervention specialist.
  3. The crime Intervention specialist reviews the footage and monitors current activity, verifying any active threats. 
  4. In the case of a real threat, the crime specialist provides an immediate voice down and warns the intruder over a loudspeaker. In most cases, audio intervention is enough to resolve the incident.
  5. Where appropriate, the specialist contacts law enforcement and presents the evidence. 

The most effective way to substantially grow your business while helping customers deter crime is with Remote Video Guarding. Remote Guarding provides a powerful, flexible, and cost-saving solution. To learn more, Contact Eyeforce today. 

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About Eyeforce 

Eyeforce is a leading provider of remote guarding services. We offer customized solutions that include networked cameras, analytics, 24/7 monitoring, and professional crime intervention specialists that provide real-time audio intervention. Eyeforce remote monitoring increases security while decreasing security costs. Eyeforce can help you gain total control and situational awareness through proactive, not reactive, security solutions. Our remote video monitoring services excel where traditional alarm monitoring companies fail.

Call Eyeforce Today! 888-393-3672

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